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Ator Tarot


As a development: Making real a business, altering a work situation, or developing an exercise or health plan.

As an adult woman: This is the practical, down-to-earth woman. She might, in fact, be an Earth Mother type going for organic living, home gardens, and making her own home improvements, or a farmer's wife, tending chickens, knitting sweaters and canning jams. But she could also be one of the rich and famous.

Rich or not, it is likely that she also owns her own successful business, be it cookies she bakes at home and sells at local coffee houses, a small shop or a multi-national corporation. Her accounting is scrupulous, but that doesn't mean she's afraid to spend. She loves beautiful things and, if she is on the wealthy side, will spare no expense to decorate her homes with the perfect paintings, furniture, and trinkets. Her wealth and taste will be evident in her dress, jewelry and make-up as well.

An enthusiastic outdoors woman, she's always encouraging friends and family to exercise, and she loves her outdoor gardens as much as her indoor home. As in work, nothing less than giving her all to her family will do for the Queen of Pentacles. She wants them to have the best so they can succeed. Her children may not have the best, but they will never want; they will appreciate that their mother works hard to make sure they get what they need, and that their family is steeped in good values and traditions. The Queen of Pentacles expectations may put a lot of pressure her children, more than she realizes.

Also, this Queen's pragmatism, her dislike of anything strange or distasteful, may exclude anything unique or imaginative - solutions as well as people. Even as an unconventional Earth Mother type, the Queen of Pentacles will want her children to fit in with her community, its values and traditions. Her children or partner may feel that they can't be themselves and still be loved.

At her best, however, this is the Queen of success. She has the patience, good sense and determination to make things happen. She knows how to make dreams a reality.


Mijn gedachten en gevoelens

15 december 2010

Ik had Thoth Pentakels 10 getrokken op mijn vraag wat het betekent dat ik tegenwoordig zoveel koop en zo makkelijk geld uitgeef. Voor mij was het een verrassende kaart, omdat ik zuinigheid erg belangrijk vind, met name nu ik een ziekteuitkering heb. Ik vroeg me af wat ik hiervan kon leren, waar ik vanavond over kan dromen om mijn ziel weer een stap verder te brengen. En toen kwam dus deze kaart...

Heel treffend vind ik. Vanavond ga ik over de Koningin van Pentakels dromen en ik ben heel benieuwd welke boodschap ze voor mij heeft. En misschien dat het lieve konijntje naast haar mij iets heeft te vertellen? Laat ik de kaart trouwens maar naast mijn bed zetten. Dat werkt toch beter dan alleen zo'n kaart onthouden.

Ik vind het trouwens ook geweldig dat deze kaart uit een speels deck komt. Dat klopt helemaal voor mij. Het feit dat ik mijn geld makkelijker laat rollen betekent al dat ik niet zo super serieus meer ben, en dit deck draagt dat ook helemaal uit. Ik kan zo blij worden van deze kaart, vooral in deze context!